Privacy Policy

PreppyGreen knows that you care about how your personal information is used and shared, and we take your privacy seriously. Please read the following to learn more about our privacy practices (“Privacy Policy”). By using a mobile application that incorporates or utilizes PreppyGreen services (collectively, the “Services”) you accept the practices outlined in this Privacy Policy.

What Information Does PreppyGreen Collect?

We collect certain types of information automatically when you use our services. While you are using a game we collect information regarding various actions and paths you take when using that game.

Information from Third Parties

Sometimes we collect information from third parties to evaluate how the services are used, this includes when you make a purchase via the App Store or use in app features such as Game Center we will collect information such as your user name and gameplay data.

How Do We Use Your Information?

We use this information to design and improve our services, to assist in the development and launch of our games and to personalise and improve your experience of our services.

Third Party Services

You often use third party services and do not control how they interact with you, you acknowledge that we are not liable when third party services use information you provide to them.


If you have any complaints about your privacy please contact us:

1. Written request: PreppyGreen Limited, 27 OLD GLOUCESTER STREET, LONDON, WC1N3AX. ENGLAND

2. Email to

Privacy Policy Updates

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. These updates, will take effect from the date of issue on our website at Please check back regularly for updates.